United Signs
SKU: 064

P8 (8mm) 4’h x 8’w LED Digital Church Sign 064 – Lifetime Parts Warranty


P8 (8mm) 4’h x 8’w LED Digital Church Sign 064 Bright, bold, and revolutionizing! Elevate your church community with our brilliantly vibrant high-resolution Digital Church Sign 064, measuring 4 feet high and 8 feet wide. From service times and upcoming events to scripture verses and inspirational quotes, your messages will shine brightly, reaching hearts and minds with clarity and impact. Using digital signage in worship places attracts more new members, especially younger families. Use it to effectively display your messages and visuals throughout the day, including social media handles, fundraising efforts, upcoming events, service times, Sunday special times, and more. Other key features include a sleek design, an HD resolution screen, Wi-Fi control, USB compatibility, lightweight construction, and UL certification. Call +1 (800) 935-8094 anytime to discuss your project.
United Signs

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